Wild Woman Retreat
Find Empowerment through Pleasure

Course Contents:

1 Sensual Tribal Bellydance-Inspired Dance Session
1 Guided Juicy Movement Exploration Session
1 Dynamic EarthFlow Vinyasa Yoga Session
1 Guided Breath & Movement Meditation – All4s
1 Love your Femininity Meditation
1 Tara Mantra Meditation & Vocal Release Session
1 Empowerment Journal

ABOUT KARIN  Karin has over ten years of experience teaching elemental vinyasa yoga, movement meditation, free-form dance, breathwork, and mantra meditation guiding her students in their journey of self-discovery. She is a certified yoga instructor, a bachelor in contemporary dance, and a somatic movement practitioner. It is her passion to share her embodied toolkit of self-discovery with you, so you can live a fuller and more inspired life.

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